Christian Education exists to render the gospel of Jesus Christ to people of all age groups, to teach each member the importance of obeying the Word of God, to serve as a platform for people to come together for a common, noble cause, and to minister to the needs of the people. The Christian Education Department considers church education more than just Sunday School, but a variety of educational involvement, to include Bible bowls, Vacation Bible School and Bible studies.
The Young People Department is designed to introduce young people to Jesus Christ and to then provide them with resources for personal and spiritual growth. The Youth Ministry provides the opportunity for students to develop godly lifestyles that will create mature relationships and promote service to God, their peers, their families, the community, and the world. We offer youth a place of love, support and empowerment that will assist parents in shaping and molding their youth into God-loving and God-fearing productive citizens.
The purpose of the Brotherhood Department is to involve men in Christian fellowship and services to the church and community. This includes activities to inform, motivate, and engage men in praying, studying the Word of God, and bearing witness to Christ through modeling and community service. With community services in mind, the Brotherhood Department formed the Pure Religion Outreach Ministry which provides free labor to the elderly with projects such as building handicap ramps, repairing/replacing floors, roofs and remodeling/repairing bathrooms/kitchens and any other accommodations necessary for the betterment of the elderly.
The purpose of the Missions Department is to answer God’s call to reach and touch the lives of people locally, nationally, and globally who may not know that God loves them and that He has a plan for their lives. In essence, we are responsible to pursue, win, and discipline the unchurched.
The Women’s Ministry Department encourages women to fulfill their call to ministry of discipleship, stewardship, and servant leadership through venues that provide motivation, awareness, networking, teaching, and mentoring.
The Pastoral Care Ministry exists to help our members and attendees in practical ways during times of crisis, transition, illness or hardship. Every effort will be given to render assistance through home and hospital visitation, transportation, meal coordination and provision, prayer support, and special event assistance (i.e., baby dedications, baptisms, weddings, funerals, etc.)
The Helping Hands Ministry serves as a means to share the overwhelming abundance God has showered upon us with those in need in our community. Food, clothing, furniture, household goods, and assistance in securing housing are provided with love and respect for those who come for assistance. It is our intention that those who receive assistance not only receive the necessary items needed for their physical well-being, but for their spiritual and emotional health as well.